Friday, January 26, 2018

Writer's Workshop:

This week we finished working on our rough drafts of our historical fiction stories.  I have been conferencing with some of the students and I am so impressed with their writing!  The students have used the research to write the most amazing stories.  
Next week we will discuss how to put dialogue into their stories.  We will also add alliteration, assonance, and consonance elements into the stories to make them more realistic.  Finally, we will use the editing checklists to edit and revise the stories before typing the final drafts.

Upcoming Events:

January 24th - 1:00 dismiss
February 9th-12:00 dismiss
February 14th-1:00 dismiss (Valentine's Day Party)
February 19th-No School

Have a great weekend:)

Friday, January 5, 2018

January 3rd-5th 2018

Writer's Workshop:

This week we started our "Historical Fiction" unit.  The students will be writing a story using historical settings and elements.  They will create fictitious characters that lived in the time period they are writing about.  I look forward to reading their stories.  They have come up with a lot of great ideas so far.
Next week I will read examples of historical fiction stories.  We will analyze the characters, setting, and different elements of the stories.  In addition, we will discuss how dialogue helps make the stories come alive.

Book Orders:

I will hand out book orders next Wednesday.  They will be due back on the 26th of January.

Upcoming Events:

January 10th- 1:00 dismiss
January 15th - No School
January 24th - 1:00 dismiss